May 21, 2010

The Seeds

An old legend tells how a man once stumbled upon a great red barn after wandering for days in a dark overgrown forest, seeking refuge from the howling winds of a storm that seemed to rage perpetually in the forest, he let his eyes grow accustomed to the dark and then, to his astonishment, he discovered that this was the barn where Satan kept his storehouse of seeds to be sown into human hearts. More curious than fearful, he lit a match and began to explore the piles and bins of seeds around him. He couldn't help but notice that the containers labeled "seeds of discouragement" far outnumbered any other type of seed.

Just as the man had drawn this conclusion, Satan arrived to pick up a fresh supply of seed. The man ask him why the great abundance of discouragement seeds. He laughed, "Because they are so effective and they take root so quickly!" The man then asked, "Do they grow everywhere?" No, Satan admitted, there was one place in which he could never get the seeds of discouragement to thrive. “And where is that?” asked the man. Satan replied sadly, “They never seem to thrive in the heart of a grateful person." ~Unknown

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